Friday, August 26, 2011

A Walk Across Campus

Owen says: There's fire on my feet.

Owen says: There's a student on the bike.

Owen says: We went on an NIU bus one time. The bus has NIU on it. And Daddy's office eats a monster.


  1. I really like the picture of your feet because it shows your shadow. It's a very artistic picture.

  2. Hi Owen,
    I love to see the pictures of NIU campus. I used to go to school there and so I haven't seen the campus in a very long. Thanks for sharing them with me. I hope I can see more. Can you find huskie for me?? See you soon!
    Aunt Susie

  3. I love the picture with fire on your feet. The world looks so different through your eyes and I can't wait to see more. Keep up the good work!

    shoe store Aunt Carrie
